Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday Suppositions

I broke down this afternoon and drank a glass of diet Coke with that artificial stuff I thought might not be good for me. Well, I mean, I know it's not good for me and I drank it anyway. It was rather flat being there for some time now, since I haven't been drinking what I know is not good for me... but over ice it was refreshing. And it really wasn't "breaking down" - that sounds too much like "giving in" or "giving up" and that is actually the furthest thing from my mind at this point. Yeah, revelation. I suppose it's okay to "break down" once in awhile.

I broke down this afternoon and went to McDonald's - now, before you go getting all ... "oh, don't give up and do that..." I know, that's not good for me, either. Fast food has too many additives that are not healthy and calories up the whazoo... sorry, McD's and others, don't sue me, just stating facts, as they are for me, personally, just one person out of a gazillion served. And anyway, I have been very good and have not gone to any drive thrus for some time now.

"You want fries with that? Super-size those..." I cannot believe what I thought I heard.
"Let me speak to your manager!" The young attendant's face went white... he was clearly upset.
"But, Mr. Drive Thru Line Boss... I didn't say thighs..." he was still clearly upset and obviously didn't say what I thought he said.
I drove away clutching my fistful of free food coupons and swore I'd never go back. Good thing I was driving or they might reconsider the free food and see my already super-sized ...

Okay, so that didn't really happen - just funny and not funny at the same time. The ease with which we can drive up to a window and fill our appetite makes it very easy to pack on the pounds from food that is not healthy and we justify it with the time it saves us from cooking our own meals. At least that's what it is for me - sometimes - other times it's just an easy way to fill a craving. Today, however, I got a grilled chicken Caesar salad, emphasis on the salad! I did get a strawberry milkshake with it as a treat, but I got a small size. That, is a step forward for me!

So, now I'm sitting here writing nursing my water appetizer and trying not to think ahead to supper time. It's been good today. The weather is nice and I was out earlier to drop Kelsey off to pick up her car. Went to the bank for the Writers group; went to Chapter's to browse and found a cool book called "Letters to Juliet" and a beautiful journal that I will donate from my business to the Writers Conference next week. On the front is embossed "You don't write because you want to say something. You write because you've got something to say." The credit goes to "anonymous" who we know has said lots of great things... kind of like, they... who are they anyway?

So I write because I have something to say and whether it is only read by a few for now, some day in the future I hope many will read my words and know of my challenge. Everyone has a challenge and everyone has a story. For me, the combination is a way to keep my mind on the things that keep me young and healthy, even if it is only in my mind for now.

1 comment:

  1. You didn't "broke down" at made a choice.........SO THERE!!!
    Keep it up Linda.....glad you can 'mingle' with the humour.
    .......and I know that one day many will indeed read your words!
