Thursday, June 17, 2010

Moderately Well

Sometimes I think things are going smoothly and I am contented that the little effort is paying off and then it goes south for a bit and then climbs again... rising and falling like the waves on the ocean with nothing between you and the bottom but a PFD full of air... life savers come in all colors, shapes and sizes and keep you from drowning in every metaphorical way. I consider many people to be life savers - family, friends - and also things, like my job - it gets me out of the house, gives me some kind of routine, offers challenges to my mind and my analytical thinking, and of course, brings me a much needed pay cheque.

Much by the same token, I consider my writing a life saver in that it keeps me absorbed and busy so that idle hands don't feed idle mouth that ends up on idle butt and thighs. Sitting for long periods of time is not life saving, however. It's a tug-of-war because I still am not really interested in doing much more in the way of exercise even though I realize the expenditure of calories is what I need most to find success with this diet challenge.

Today I went for more tests... I do believe they are the last batch until next month's check on the cholesterol level. Nothing now but the waiting and if I don't hear anything, that's good news. It will then be all up to me and I'll have to step it up a notch - just wondering how that's going to be possible when I am already doing too much. The good news from today was that I apparently have dropped another 3 pounds since my last doctor's appointment.

I also read recently that the body holds onto weight due to the deficiency in calcium and you have trouble losing weight when your body's working against you to hold on to it. My doctor just prescribed 1500 mg of calcium per day as well as 2000 iu of Vitamin D (I use the D3 combo) and Kelsey and I also started taking flax seed oil caplets. So hopefully, with all these little changes, things will start to move along.

All in all, I consider myself to be doing, moderately well. Looking forward to an enjoyably busy summer and some much needed sunshine now... hint, hint weather.

1 comment:

  1. Great news and well done foot in front of the other remember......:)
