Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March ON!

It's the last day of March and we are moving into my favorite month and spring is well on its way. I am continuing my resolve to think positively and do more things that are good for me and my health. There are a few things I refuse to stop, but if it came to a life-or-death decision I guess I could give up everything for the cause. Yesterday, I worked on increasing my hydration with enough water throughout the day; I am cutting out artificial sweeteners (i.e. diet pop and flavored waters) due to the negative affect these additives have on a body and the ability to cleanse the internal workings. Natural is always a better way to go and the best thing to drink, of course, is just plain water. I actually like drinking water but have to make it a habit so I get enough of it during the course of the day.

I also love coffee - I am a writer - the cup is in one hand and the pen in the other! Or, it's close at hand if I am on the computer keyboard and considering that I work on a computer all day and then write in my spare time as well... the coffee cup is always close at hand. I especially love coffee in the morning AND I use creamers, vanilla preferably, or milk works fine too. Until such time as I am told that I need or should cut them out I use them. In the big scheme of things, I feel that they are minuscule in comparison to other things that are more detrimental to my well being.

I did well yesterday and my daughter topped off the evening with a wonderful supper and I was really hungry by then. It was awesome - wraps with lots of fresh vegetables, meat and cheese; a fruit tray with yogurt dip; mushroom caps... It was worth the wait all day to have such a good meal. She made it on the night of one of my writer's group committee meetings and we shared the tasty spread with friends. Thank you, Kelsey.

One of the others things I will not give up is chocolate - really, it's Easter bunny time! Chocolate and I go "weigh" back... it's one of those relationships that just won't let go... lol. I don't go crazy with it, although I can - but in terms of my new attempt to lose weight I won't go overboard. It will be the treat that I allow myself to have, after all, you have to have something. Oh, yes, and pizza... that is allowed, but maybe only once a month?

If I don't stop thinking about food I will have to sit here all day and blog. Keeps the hands and the mind busy...

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