Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Today was a beautiful day here - the weather was awesome and I had the day off work with pay! What more can you ask for? I've been continuing my effort to keep busy and forget about eating although at times, well, it just calls to me. Another good thing about today is that the swelling in my legs and feet has lessened to the point of actually being close to normal. I attribute this to cutting back on the amount of beverages with artificial sweetener, such as diet pop or flavored waters. It is the only thing that I can think of that I have increased my consumption of in the past little while that might have caused the swelling. So, cutting back to none has proved to me that I perhaps shouldn't drink it. Time frame for cutting out the offender? Since I started this blog - March 29th. Who would think it would be detrimental when artificial sweeteners cut down on sugar consumption? It just goes to show you that "natural is definitely best."

So I continue to monitor my plain, refreshing natural water intake and try to get what I need to keep hydrated. It's a simple thing but it's easy to fall out of habit if you don't consciously remind yourself to have it close at hand. I now keep a water bottle on my desk and ensure that I fill it once I empty it. It's also a good idea to get up and stretch! I have a habit (unless the pain reminds me) of sitting too long at the computer writing, drawing or playing games. I sit for my job too - the butt gets a great workout!

For the record, I know all the things that should be done for a healthy lifestyle change. Recall the yo-you comment in a previous post? I've been through all this before and have had success but it's frustrating to know that I can't keep the good things going and leave things that are bad for me out of my life. It isn't easy sometimes because it is dependent upon the situation, timing and a lot of other things, like emotions. These are not excuses - this is what drives this part of my life. I am an emotional eater - especially when depressed, upset or lonely. I have come to a point now in my life where I do realize that I have to control it because otherwise it controls me.

Also for the record, I was active in many sports and activities which probably helped control my weight even though I might not have controlled my diet. Proof of that would be the gall bladder attacks I had when I was in my early twenties. By the time I was 28 I had to have emergency gall bladder surgery to have it removed - my doctor told me it "was full of stones." I am thinking that it would have been better that I had to stick to a strict diet after its removal but there was none. What good is the thing then if I can eat anything after I don't have it anymore? I used to play all kinds of racquet sports, bike ride, downhill and cross-country ski, skate, bowl, play baseball, hike, dancing and probably a whole list of other things. Most of them are not even a spectator sport now!

Back to the present. Get healthy and feeling well enough to walk. Walk enough to stay healthy and feel good about my body again. I'd kick myself in the butt if only I knew I wouldn't pull something. I think back to only four years ago when I started to lose weight again and knew I looked good in what I wore. I had someone who appreciated my size and I was able to contain my eating because I was happy.

I will never be a small size and will always be larger than a lot of women - I am never going to be a skinny-minny, a model or have an athletic body. I can be in shape and active, however, for the type of person I am and the type of life I want to have that keeps me getting up and going forward every day.

Four years ago that summer, I was 49 and in love. Tomorrow, I will be 53 and I am okay with being by myself and being who I am while I make the changes necessary to be the best me I can be.

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