Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dealing with Grey Days

The weather, feelings and events all play significant roles in how we perceive our lives and how successful we are at our attempts to make things right for ourselves. The weather - it's been grey and verging on miserable. It could be worse but it could also have the propensity to reflect a sunny disposition upon us if it were forecast to do so. There is no control on this factor and we must make the best of it. Grey days sometimes = wanting to devour comfort food to either warm you up, distract you, or just plain make you feel better. I am holding out (smiles like a champion) and one good way is to not have that kind of food in the house.

Feelings - controlled by the weather and it's affect on you; driven by your health and ability to do things; sometimes shaped by the events and happenings around you, often not in your control. You are not an island and what happens in this world, in your own community, in your household and the ever so close, in your heart... affects you. Again, this can equal wanting to divulge in mega pounds of chocolate, or pizza, or grande lattes... Again I am holding out (sheepish smile) all the while, thinking of what I might make for breakfast, knowing I would rather shove a whole pie in the hole. Another good deterrent is the "day before pay day."

Events - keeping busy is the best recourse as it focuses your mind and actions on things that need to be done because they are required, not because they are desired by some remote craving. The downside to this, is the fact that my back hurts and my bones ache (weather?) and I am tired (drained by keeping busy) and therefore, need to pull back and in my case, it means sometimes just missing work to rest and hopefully feel better the next day. It's not all going to go away - just like that - but I know that working on it a little at a time will help.

This is my underlying project for this year - to feel better! I'm not yet going great guns due to the fact that a) it hurts and b) I am working on getting a doctor's appointment to narrow down and confirm if necessary, the diagnosis received last year for my back. With that major obstruction to getting more exercise, it is an obstacle "weighing" on the rest of the means to the end - and the progress is, therefore, slow.

"Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Today marks a turning point in your life, as the New Moon falls in your sign. You have been preparing to make an important change in your life. Perhaps you've even had a few false starts in recent months. Now, however, there's no going back. Although it still may take another month to see significant progress, the intention you set now will be sufficient to get the ball rolling in the new direction."

I can always count on my horoscope to confirm the things that are already true in my life. Major changes for me have happened when they were supposed to, as is the case for everyone. Things happen for a reason. It is my challenge in this life to conquer this beast and burden myself no longer with weight issues and dieting. I know what to do to be healthy, happy and helpful - it's the good things that must become a habit to get rid of the bad. I know this to be true. I know this to be "do it or die."

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