Monday, June 28, 2010

I Didn't Fall off the Wagon

Ha! So, here it is - my post will show that I am a week behind and that really isn't true at all. I've just not been HERE to post and not because I haven't been thinking about writing here. The commitment has made a permanent dent in the back of my mind, reminding me that "you have to post on your challenge or they'll all think you've given up and gone home..." Well, my dear reader-follower-friends (you know who you are) I have not fallen off the wagon or under the apple cart or even succumbed to a fast-f00d frenzy of macs and fries and cakes and pies.

Not a chance! I am glad I waited until today to post because I am feeling quite good about most things. Some time along the way I might have been singing and writing a different tune, but today went well enough. I didn't even have to take a back pill - in all reality, I ran out and haven't been to the pharmacy to refill 'em but chanced the day without, remaining upright and regular enough to post this message somewhat late in the evening.

So mid-week last week, I went into the doctor's office to discuss some results. I do believe I mentioned that in my last post and at the time I remember feeling a little at odds with the whole situation given her usual procedure - she doesn't call you unless something needs to be discussed or something is wrong. Well, worry. Can you say "osteopenia?" It appears I have a thinning of the bones - not as serious as osteoporosis but could be a precursor - which cannot really be reversed although it can be slowed or stopped or something with pills and what have you. I have recently taken to the habit of calcium and vitamin D3 so have chosen to take the year to see how the situation measures up by then. Some pills are an apparent pain to take; some are expensive but work and are not covered by health plans; some are inexpensive and are covered by health plans and are a scheduling nightmare; shots are available that last a long time, however, cost hundreds of dollars and are, again, not covered. Oh, decisions, decisions. How about none? The good news is that tests showed my heart is good (it's also true, although a little cracked) and the mamms are apparently healthy even if a bit lumpy...

I am still watching what I eat, literally, although with some abandon but with constant reminder that: I must eat certain things, can't eat certain things, and I don't care either way and eat some things, anyway. I am drinking lots of water, and no, I haven't taken up any form of sweat-producing or weight-bearing exercise. That whole suggestion threw me considering my knees already have a problem "bearing" the weight I have already, why not throw in a bit more, for good measure? Don't know what I'm waiting for but it just doesn't seem to fit into the plan right at the moment. I'm busy writing, building publishing empires, and keeping up with everything else on my plate. Not literally.

My successes in other areas, at times, take attention off this challenge - but it never goes away. I am reminded of it when: I can't find clothes to wear because I have to wear the same things over and over that fit me right now; I limit what I do, even if I feel not so bad, because I know I will pay for it in the end (or there abouts); I don't have a relationship to speak of or can claim to have had anything remotely close to what I would call a date, of late; and I couldn't lie on the bone density machine bed thingy for fear of it collapsing into a huge heap of imaging metal...... okay, it wasn't that bad and... they have alternatives for us larger people. And although I have not lost weight further to the last weigh-in, I have not gained anthing, except perspective :)

All humor aside, this is no laughing matter. I intend to do what I can to combat this foe and do take this challenge seriously, at least 99% of the time. That remaining 1% has to exist to allow me to get that kick-it-in-the-butt realization that something has to be done because it is.... do it or die.

p.s. in posting this, I wish my mom a speedy recovery from a sudden bladder infection - be strong and flush it away - love you!

1 comment:

  1. OK glad everything is ok (basically) so now you can get on with it which I know you will. We are learning to do a type of 'energy work' which (when I have more training) may help you with your efforts. I will run it by you when I get enough experience to be able to offer you's really quite amazing! Keep on keeping on Linda.
    I haven't written in a while..........I'm just plain TIRED.
