Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Blustery Thursday Evening

It is never easy - this commitment I make to myself. I have not fallen off the food wagon in any big way and continue to try to get my allotted hydro content. I had cake since the last time we spoke but it was my birthday and it does only happen once a year! (good thing, lol) Just because my sister sent home a few extra pieces does not mean I had to devour them, but I did. I DID leave a piece for Kelsey because it was in fact made because it is her favorite Aunty's cake and it was, after all, her birthday too (April 1st)...

The swelling has not completely gone away from my ankles and feet and lately my knees have been hurting. I'm wondering if it is the cooler weather that has blown in so fiercely that makes my bones ache. The swelling, well... I thought I had it figured out but apparently it's not just the artificial sweeteners since I haven't had any since I cut them out at the end of March.

Today, I was feeling a bit tired and under the weather... ha, ha... if you looked outside right now you would think I might have been a bit psychic - I'm just hoping I don't have to get up to go to work in four feet of snow - four inches might even deter me! I'm not sure what my next steps are going to be. I know a doctor's appointment is in order but I have to get on the phone and see if there are any openings soon. I sometimes wonder if my kidneys are okay - things seem to work, meaning it goes in and comes out - but dull aches through my body don't excite me.

It's more than diet. It's the state of mind and the order of the rest of your life that has an affect on you as well. It seems that all the good that goes on for me must buoy me up enough to counter act any of the bad - work is good, I'm always writing and I do manage to get a lot done for the writers group I belong to, I try to visit my mom and spend time with my daughter. Keeping busy keeps me active but it doesn't seem to be enough. I have cut down on the amount eaten and am trying vigilantly to leave out of my diet those foods that are not good for me. It doesn't mean that I am eating "all vegetables and fruit" though that might be the way I have to go.

I think this post is all over the place without real reason or rhythm to it. I think it's time for bed.

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