Thursday, June 3, 2010

Get Back to Serious

It is more difficult to create a habit than it is to break one. It takes a concerted effort to make it part of your routine, part of your schedule, part of your normal. It has to become what you do everyday, like brushing your teeth or washing your face. For instance, vitamins - remembering to take those little essentials can become second nature IF we, at first, make a determined effort to do so. Since my last visit to the doctor when she recommended I take Vitamin D and Calcium - I have done so everyday for 2 weeks. It is said takes considerably longer than that to make it habit but this is going well, so far. I had to stop any vitamin supplements with Vitamin C for a test I was doing (it skews the test results) so now I have to make taking my everyday multivitamin a habit, again.

Watching what I eat? It's going well with some things becoming habit, like the water; other things not so well, like the desire to have 2 chocolate bars instead of being contented with 1 - something that I must work on with more focus. I will have to start recording my food intake to track what exactly I am eating and where my calories are coming from. I can see that recording it will already bring down the calorie count because of the exposure that "listing" will provide, that is, as long as you are 100% honest with yourself, after all, it's you it will affect most.

It is easy to "conveniently" forget some things in an effort to save face - wanting so much to think that you are doing better and changing in a positive way. Complete honesty comes with admitting that you are not totally committed to this "healthier lifestyle" thing and therein lies the failure.

As I work towards changing bad habits, I am hoping that this change will be the one that stays with me.

1 comment:

  1. Any weight loss program I have ever followed has involved 'tracking' far as I'm concerned it's a MUST to be sure you know what you are putting in your mouth. It is far too easy to say you didn't have it if you don't write it down........but as you indicate you have to be completely honest with that exercise.
    Keep it up Linda; you will win!
