So it's 1:23 am and here I sit, writing. And I guess that's a good thing for a writer because it shows dedication, determination and a whole bunch of other stuff. I am happy to be able to say I AM dedicated to this craft and the writing life, although, the night owl muse left me long ago. Tonight I am not sure if it's the diet pills doing their little side effect show, or if it's the coffee I drank at 10:30 pm, giving me a caffeine buzz. In any case, I am making the most of the extended sojourn in front of the key board.
It's been a week now on the diet pill, less Friday, because I forgot to take it - remembered everything else, but forgot that... and it says specifically, don't try to make up a pill, just take it at the next appointed time. Mornings are best just because of the fact that insomnia happens to be one of the side effects and it's best to take the pill, therefore, as early in the day as possible. I am wondering why the effects last all day and still seem to be affecting me by the time I am thinking I'm ready to go to bed. Even if I am able to fall asleep, I've been waking up tossing and turning - the mind is not shutting off like it has been able to do up until now.
Kelsey's says I worry too much *aghast* "I don't." I exclaim, profusely. Do I? No, but now I'm worried that I worry without even thinking I worry. She laughs. I laugh. And then we go on and I don't worry anymore...
I have been minding my mouth and its intake for the past week and whether or not the pill is working, I am unsure. AM I just trying to make good now on a promise I made myself? Feeling somewhat frustrated and upset with myself after the less than pleasing results, am I just doing more to try to correct it? I am also unsure that an appetite suppressant will be of any use to me but I am giving it a chance and will see what the results are, if any, next Friday when I go to the doctor, again. I am hoping that my body adjusts to this pill, as another must be added into the mix for the cholesterol. Pills. Not really wanting to take more but if they control certain elements of our health that will help us, I guess I cannot be totally opposed. I mean, I would most certainly support anyone else I care about IF they had to take something, so I should do the same for me.
... and I do care about me, too.
It's been a week now on the diet pill, less Friday, because I forgot to take it - remembered everything else, but forgot that... and it says specifically, don't try to make up a pill, just take it at the next appointed time. Mornings are best just because of the fact that insomnia happens to be one of the side effects and it's best to take the pill, therefore, as early in the day as possible. I am wondering why the effects last all day and still seem to be affecting me by the time I am thinking I'm ready to go to bed. Even if I am able to fall asleep, I've been waking up tossing and turning - the mind is not shutting off like it has been able to do up until now.
Kelsey's says I worry too much *aghast* "I don't." I exclaim, profusely. Do I? No, but now I'm worried that I worry without even thinking I worry. She laughs. I laugh. And then we go on and I don't worry anymore...
I have been minding my mouth and its intake for the past week and whether or not the pill is working, I am unsure. AM I just trying to make good now on a promise I made myself? Feeling somewhat frustrated and upset with myself after the less than pleasing results, am I just doing more to try to correct it? I am also unsure that an appetite suppressant will be of any use to me but I am giving it a chance and will see what the results are, if any, next Friday when I go to the doctor, again. I am hoping that my body adjusts to this pill, as another must be added into the mix for the cholesterol. Pills. Not really wanting to take more but if they control certain elements of our health that will help us, I guess I cannot be totally opposed. I mean, I would most certainly support anyone else I care about IF they had to take something, so I should do the same for me.
... and I do care about me, too.
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