Keep plenty of Acetaminophen on hand for those pesky headaches! Side effects! I must stop using the !!! the text is almost too loud. I have had afternoon headaches for the past two days and guess what the top side effect is for
Crestor? Yup, you guess it - headaches. Oh, yes and stomach pains, nausea and I've been having afternoon upsets to accompany my lovely headaches. The good thing is that with a couple of Tylenol (or less expensive store brands :) by evening the problems have subsided and I'm able to concentrate somewhat on what I want to do. Last night I took most of the time off just to watch a TV show, play a game or two, then still managed to make it to almost midnight, although I planned to hit the pillow at least an hour earlier.
I woke up last night - one of the things that plagued my nights when I first started the diet pills - but went right back to sleep. Woo hoo - don't need insomnia, too.
Another oddity - eating whole wheat products causes indigestion. And that's suppose to be good for you. Go figure. Been good with the morning fiber, though, and fruit when at all possible. Perhaps tonight I'll have some salmon and vegetables. Mmm, eating healthy is good for me.
Good for me.
Crazy pills, hey? I've often thought of different pills they could create to help me lose weight. For instance: how bout a pill with time release technology. You take it just before you eat and 15 minutes later, you feel slightly nauseaus? That would work. Can't eat much in 15 min. Somebody come up with this pill, already! lol I hope you get feeling better soon. With the crestor, watch out for muscle pain which warrants a call to your dr asap. It's a sign the liver is not doing well with the pill. Keep up the good work!